Heidi Garbe, left, Associate Research Scientist at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, checks the health of one of two coyote puppies.
Researchers look on as Andy Burmesch, wildlife research technician at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation is pulled from a prospective coyote den entrance by Craig Reddell, carnivore technician at the McGraw Foundation.
Mike Neri, a forest preserve wildlife biologist, quickie grabs coyote puppies from under a rusting, abandoned vehicle in a west suburban forest preserve.
Four coyote puppies 1-2 weeks old await processing before being returned to their den.
A researcher examines the teeth of a coyote puppy about 1-2 weeks old.
A researcher passes off a coyote puppy about 1-2 weeks old for processing after it was discovered among a litter.
Wildlife biologist Mike Neri returns one of a litter of eight coyote puppies to their den in a west suburban forest preserve.